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Hair Transplant Before and After Results

Complete Transformation: See Before and After Images of Our Fulfilled Patients

Explore our hair clinic’s transformative results through before-and-after images. Gain insights by sorting images based on the Norwood hair loss classification and  number of grafts transplanted, helping estimate your potential  needs.

How Do We Achieve The Best Natural Hair Transplant Results?

Talizi Hair Transplantation Experts​

At Talizi Hair Transplantation Clinic, we understand that hair loss is a unique journey for every individual. Our approach is tailored to address each patient’s specific hair situation. We meticulously study old photographs and assess the prospects for future hair loss to get as close as possible to your pre-hair loss appearance.

This analysis allows us to determine the number of available hair follicles in the donor area suitable for transplantation. Based on this evaluation, we decide on the most appropriate hair transplant method to achieve the best possible outcome. Our commitment is to never overharvest the donor area, ensuring you have the option for future hair transplants if needed.

Talizi Hair Transplantation Clinic specializes in creating natural-looking hairlines that seamlessly blend with your existing hair. Our Team with 28+ Years of experience is a master of the FUE hair transplant technique, as well as the innovative Micro Sapphire DHI method. By leveraging the latest techniques and methods in hair restoration, we strive to deliver exceptional results that restore your confidence and natural appearance.

The outcomes of hair transplant surgery can vary significantly from one individual to another. In addition to each person’s unique scalp reaction to the procedure, the initial hair situation plays a crucial role. If hair follicles are implanted between existing hair, the non-transplanted hair may continue to fall out over time due to its sensitivity to the harmful effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A hallmark of a high-quality hair transplant is the surgeon’s ability to replicate the natural angle of hair follicle growth. This intricate process can only be achieved by highly skilled surgeons utilizing the most precise modern tools and techniques. At Talizi Hair Transplantation Clinic, during your personal consultation with Our Experienced Team, you will have the opportunity to discuss the number of grafts required for your desired result. Dr. Vadachkoria will carefully assess your unique situation and design your future hairline. Our gallery showcases examples of how we have artfully designed natural-looking hairlines for our past patients, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing outcome. This process is a collaborative effort, where we consider your personal preferences while leveraging our extensive experience in determining the ideal hairline for a natural appearance. Our goal is to provide you with a customized solution that meets your individual needs and exceeds your expectations.

What Is the Best Age for a Hair Transplant?

Determining the Ideal Time for a Hair Transplant

The optimal age for a hair transplant procedure can vary significantly from one individual to another, as it depends on several key factors. Generally, good candidates for hair transplants are those who have experienced substantial hair loss and possess stable donor areas from which hair can be harvested for transplantation. Here are some important considerations:

Stable Hair Loss Pattern: The ideal candidates for a hair transplant are individuals whose hair loss has stabilized, meaning that the rate of thinning has significantly slowed down. It’s crucial for the hair loss pattern to be well-established before undergoing a transplant.

Age Range: While there isn’t a definitive “best” age for a hair transplant, many experts suggest that individuals in their late 20s to 50s are often suitable candidates. During this period, hair loss patterns have typically become evident, and the donor hair is still in good condition.

Personalized Assessment: Each person’s hair loss journey is unique, and a thorough evaluation by a qualified hair restoration specialist is crucial. They will consider factors such as family history of hair loss, current hair loss pattern, availability of donor hair, and overall health to determine if the individual is a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Future Hair Loss Potential: It’s important to consider the likelihood of future hair loss when undergoing a hair transplant. Since the procedure involves redistributing existing hair to balding or thinning areas, continued hair loss may necessitate additional procedures to maintain a consistent appearance, as the loss of non-transplanted hair continues.

Consultation: The most reliable way to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for a hair transplant and to identify the optimal timing is to consult with a qualified hair restoration specialist. They can thoroughly evaluate your specific situation and provide personalized recommendations based on their expertise. Remember, the decision to undergo a hair transplant should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a trusted professional in the field of hair restoration.

Is Hair Transplant Worth It?

Is a Hair Transplant Worth the Investment?

Determining whether a hair transplant is a worthwhile investment requires careful consideration of your individual circumstances, goals, and expectations. While hair transplants can be a transformative solution for individuals grappling with hair loss, it’s essential to evaluate several factors before making a decision:

Self-Esteem and Confidence Boost: Hair loss can have a profound impact on an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. A successful hair transplant can help restore a natural hairline, boosting self-assurance and overall well-being.

Long-Lasting Results: Hair transplants are generally considered a long-term solution. Once the transplanted hair takes root, it is resistant to genetic hair loss and can be treated, styled, and maintained like natural hair.

Natural Appearance: Advanced techniques, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), offer natural-looking results with minimal scarring, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing hair.

Financial Consideration: Hair transplants can be a significant financial investment, with costs varying depending on factors such as the extent of hair loss and the number of grafts required. It’s crucial to weigh the cost against the potential benefits and long-term value of the procedure.

Realistic Expectations: It’s vital to have realistic expectations about the outcome of a hair transplant. While it can significantly improve the appearance of your hair, it may not provide a full head of hair comparable to your hair in your youth.

Consultation with a Specialist: Consulting with a qualified hair restoration specialist is essential. They can assess your specific situation, discuss your goals, and provide personalized recommendations based on your unique needs and desired outcomes.By carefully considering these factors and consulting with a trusted specialist, you can make an informed decision about whether a hair transplant is a worthwhile investment for you. If doctor with good reputation and experience performing procedure there is nothing  to worry about.

How Long Does Transplanted Hair Last?

Hair transplants are widely regarded as a long-term solution for addressing hair loss. The transplanted hair is strategically extracted from areas of the scalp that are resistant to genetic hair loss, such as the back or sides of the head, known as the donor area. This resilience to the detrimental effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone responsible for hair thinning and baldness, ensures that the transplanted hair maintains its vitality and longevity, potentially lasting a lifetime. The journey to achieving the full, desired results from a hair transplant can vary in its timeline. Initially, after the procedure, it is common for the transplanted hair to shed within a few weeks. However, this temporary shedding is a natural part of the process, as new hair growth is typically observed within a few months. To witness the complete and final outcome of the transplant, it is generally expected to take approximately 8 to 12 months. Once the transplanted hair has fully grown in, it can be treated and styled just like natural hair, allowing for a seamless integration into your daily grooming routine. Adhering to the advice and recommendations provided by your hair restoration specialist, particularly during the crucial post-operative period, is essential to ensure the transplanted hair remains healthy and maintains its natural appearance for years to come. It is crucial to have realistic expectations about the results of a hair transplant. While the transplanted hair is more resilient to hair loss, it is still possible for hair thinning or shedding to occur in areas of the scalp that were not addressed during the procedure. However, a successful hair transplant can significantly improve the overall appearance and density of the hair, boosting confidence and self-esteem for many years to come.

At our state-of-the-art hair restoration clinic, we prioritize providing our patients with personalized guidance and support throughout their entire journey, from the initial consultation to post-operative care. Our team of experienced specialists is dedicated to ensuring you achieve long-lasting, natural-looking results that exceed your expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our representatives are 24/7 available to provide you support at anytime.

Online hair analysis is free of charge. You will also receive a free consultation with the Talizi hair loss experts.

We are tracking the progress to ensure that you get the desired planed result.

You see partial results at 6 months, and the final result at 1 year. On the occipital area (back of the head), it may take a bit longer to see the full results.

The most crucial element of any hair restoration procedure is understanding the required quantity of hair follicles. During the consultation, your medical professional will thoroughly assess your hair condition and determine the appropriate number of follicles needed. The quantity of follicles necessary depends on the severity of your condition. For instance, mild frontal balding might necessitate approximately 2,500 follicles, whereas more severe instances could require 4,000 follicles or more.

Additionally, the overall health of your hair may impact the number of follicles needed. Your medical professional will harvest follicles from your scalp. Each follicle typically contains between 1 to 4 hair strands, depending on the thickness and health of the individual’s hair. Consequently, a person with robust hair may require around 2,000 follicles for the procedure, while someone with less healthy hair might require up to 2,500 follicles.

After three days post-surgery, you’re typically ready to gracefully rejoin your social circles. However, it’s crucial to continue prioritizing your recovery by maintaining gentle care of the treated areas and avoiding strenuous activities that could potentially disrupt the healing process. Remember to follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations diligently to ensure optimal results and a smooth transition back into your everyday routines.

If you’re experiencing complete hair loss, a hair transplantation procedure is necessary to restore hair across your entire scalp. To achieve a full head of hair through transplantation, typically between 4,000 to 6,000 grafts are required. It’s important to note that the quality of hair varies among individuals. If your donor area possesses high-quality hair, around 4,000 grafts may be sufficient. Conversely, if the donor area’s hair quality is lower, your surgeon may need to extract 5,000 or even 6,000 grafts to achieve the desired result.

Nevertheless, the precise number of grafts extracted is contingent upon several other factors. For instance, your surgeon must ensure that only an appropriate amount of hair is harvested from the donor area to prevent damage and subsequent baldness of donor area. Therefore, it’s advisable to rely on your surgeon’s expertise in determining the optimal approach.

Our clinic holds a notable achievement in hair transplantation, having successfully treated a case of seventh-grade baldness with remarkable results by transplanting 9,688 grafts in a single session. This involved a combination of the FUT and FUE methods, benefiting from the patient’s favorable donor area. It’s important to note that the number of grafts transplanted in our clinic during a single session is determined by each patient’s specific needs and the quality of the donor area. This ensures safety and optimal results. 

In the majority of cases, the number of grafts transplanted in a single session (one day) typically ranges from 2,500 to 4,500.

Understanding the Timeline for Post-Transplant Hair Growth

When it comes to hair growth after a transplant procedure, patience is key. Every individual’s hair growth journey is unique, and the timeline can vary significantly based on several factors. While some may experience visible results relatively quickly, others may need to exercise more patience before seeing the desired outcome.

Hair growth is a complex process influenced by various elements, including:

  1. Individual Hair Growth Cycles: The natural hair growth cycle can differ from person to person, with some individuals having shorter or longer growth phases.
  2. Genetic Factors: Genetics play a crucial role in determining hair growth patterns, density, and overall hair quality.
  3. Age and Overall Health: Factors such as age and general health can impact the hair growth process, with younger individuals often experiencing faster growth rates.
  4. Post-Operative Care: Proper post-operative care, including adherence to prescribed medications and hair care routines, can significantly influence the rate of hair growth.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and schedule a consultation. Our specialists are eager to embark on this journey with you, providing the personalized guidance and expertise you need to achieve the best possible results.

When it comes to hair transplants, the success rate is dependent on a multitude of factors, making it challenging to provide a definitive statistic. However, it is widely accepted that, on average, at least 90% of the transplanted hair grafts have a high likelihood of survival. In our clinic sometimes, this number can reach an impressive 98%, contingent upon the expertise of the practicing surgeon, their level of experience, and the state-of-the-art tools and techniques employed.

In short, No, your body cannot reject a hair transplant in the same way it might reject an organ transplant. This is because hair transplants involve using your own hair follicles, which are not recognized as foreign by your body’s immune system.

During a hair transplant procedure, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE),  Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT),  the surgeon extracts healthy hair follicles from the donor area (typically the back or sides of the scalp) and transplants them to the balding or thinning areas. Since these follicles originate from your own body, they are not perceived as foreign by your immune system, eliminating the risk of rejection.