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Long Hair transplant

Whether it's to enhance previous surgeries, conceal scars, or achieve a more natural appearance, long hair transplant provides a discreet option for seamless integration with existing hair, preserving both style and confidence.

Hair transplantation with Long hair

If you’re looking to restore long, flowing locks through a hair transplant procedure, choosing the right surgical technique is essential. Two popular options are FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction).

The FUT technique, also known as the strip method, involves removing a linear strip of skin carrying hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back/sides of the scalp). This strip is then dissected into individual grafts for transplantation. The advantages of FUT for long hair transplants include the ability to transplant a higher number of grafts in one session, making it well-suited for restoring significant areas of balding/thinning. Additionally, the grafts contain 2-4 hair strands, allowing recreation of denser long hair. However, potential drawbacks are a linear scar at the donor area, which may be less concealed with long hair styles, and an increased post-op recovery time compared to FUE.

On the other hand, the minimally-invasive FUE technique extracts individual follicular units directly from the donor area using tiny micro-punches, leaving no linear scar, only small dot scars. The benefits of FUE for long hair transplants include no linear scar, which is better for long hairstyles that expose the donor area, and a faster recovery period with fewer post-op restrictions. Additionally, grafts can be transplanted from various body areas if needed. However, potential drawbacks include slightly lower overall graft numbers achieved per session and a time-intensive process, which may require multiple long sessions.

At Talizi Hair Transplant Clinic, our surgeons carefully evaluate each patient’s hair characteristics, balding patterns, and desired results to recommend the ideal FUT or FUE approach for restoring long, luscious locks. With refined artistic skills and cutting-edge techniques, we ensure maximally dense packing and natural, imperceptible results. Whether you choose FUT or FUE, our expertise in long hair transplantation ensures the revitalization of your full, flowing mane. Book a consultation to explore which long hair transplant method can best achieve your goals at Talizi.

Advantages of Long Hair Transplant


Immediate Visibility of Results

Long hair transplant offers the unique advantage of providing visible results right after the procedure. Unlike traditional methods where the transplanted area may appear sparse or bare until new hair grows, with long hair transplant, you can witness the transformation instantly. This immediate gratification can be incredibly satisfying for individuals seeking prompt changes in their appearance.


Concealment of Transplantation

One of the most appealing aspects of long hair transplant is its ability to conceal any traces of the procedure itself. The existing long hair acts as a natural cover, effectively camouflaging the transplant area. This seamless integration ensures that no one can detect that a hair transplant has been performed, allowing individuals to maintain their desired look discreetly.


Enhanced Precision in Graft Distribution

Long hair transplant procedures offer a distinct advantage in achieving precise graft distribution. With the patient’s existing long hair serving as a guide, surgeons can meticulously distribute the grafts to complement the natural flow and density of the hair. This immediate feedback loop allows for real-time adjustments, ensuring optimal placement and a more natural-looking result.


Microscopic Graft Preparation

Long hair transplant procedures often involve the meticulous preparation of grafts under a microscope. This meticulous process enables surgeons to carefully dissect and select donor hairs, ensuring the highest quality grafts for transplantation. By utilizing advanced techniques and magnification, surgeons can create grafts that closely mimic the natural hair follicles, resulting in seamless integration and long-lasting results.

Long hair transplant Stages

1. Harvesting Grafts

Utilizing a micropunch technique, our surgeons delicately harvest individual hair follicles or a strip of skin containing follicular units from the donor region, typically located at the posterior of the scalp. The harvesting method employed can be either FUT or FUE. Subsequently, these follicular units undergo meticulous preservation in preparation for transplantation.

2. incisions

Using a Sapphire scalpel, our surgeon creates precise channels in balding or thinning scalp regions. This ensures the transplanted hair aligns with natural growth direction and texture, achieving a seamless, natural-looking hairline.

3. Implantation

The grafts are delicately implanted into the meticulously prepared channels in the recipient area using forceps. This gentle technique ensures that the grafts are not damaged during implantation, preserving their integrity and viability for optimal growth and natural-looking results.

Request a Free Consultation

Feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries regarding hair transplant services in Georgia, or to schedule a complimentary evaluation for your hair concerns. Our proficient team of specialists is readily available to furnish you with the essential details you seek